No, you’re not going crazy. You did not miss the other sonnets, I just never really posted them. Well, I posted one of them. But still.
Here’s another.

Meaning of Life
By Alex Violet

This world is a thousand jumps, learning to fly;
Awaiting on the day flight replaces fall.
So many times I have asked ‘why’,
Only to realize there is no meaning at all.
Who says you need a reason to want to be glad?
No one really knows what’s good for us after the end.
But I know I don’t want to live my life always mad.
I try to live it to the fullest, praying I’ll be a legend
Like the ones that make history and stretch possibility.
Who says you need a single bold meaning,
To live every second with pronounced dignity,
When every little thing brings you the feeling:
That even if this is all there is to it,
Maybe or even definitely, it’s 100% worth it.

Sorry if I offended anyone. Really and truly, I’m pretty sure I believe in heaven. Maybe not hell, though. I would think if you make (a) mistake(s), God would give you a second chance and you might be reincarnated over and over again. My dad once told me that there was a religion where they believed that the later your birthday was in the year, the more times you’d been reincarnated.

But really, I don’t mean to dictate my belief(s) to anyone. With that poem, I just meant to say that life is worth everything, every mistake and adventure and thing to be proud of.

Even if there isn’t anything after it, (I’m not saying there is, I’m not saying there isn’t) then “maybe or even definitely, it’s 100% worth it.”

I’m saying not to be afraid of indulgence, because no one truly KNOWS (we believe, we don’t know) what happens after this. (‘This’ being a living being’s life span.)

I’m sorry I didn’t write so much throughout the week, but I’ve actually been getting out of the apartment. I went on several walks, yesterday a 2-hour one with my friend and her sister around their neighbourhood. I very much love their neighbourhood as it is one with several farms and old-ish houses. (Some, I said, are haunted.) It was brutally warm out, but the breeze made it a zillion times better.
The day before that, Buddy and I played a couple of playground games with three neighbourhood kids. We played Grounders, Sardines, and Emperor. Before Emperor, some jerks who used to bully Buddy last year came around and started calling us (us as in all of us playing playground games) nerds at the top of their lungs.
And Buddy backed me up.

So overall I’ve been having a great week and tomorrow I’m going to visit my Grandparents. Who rule, by the way.

Alex Violet

What’s UP!!

February 8, 2010

The Saints won! πŸ™‚

Not that I’m football-crazy, I actually watched the first hour or so of it then got bored and changed the channel to like, What Not to Wear or something like that.

But the Students’ Council was talking about it at lunch today in our Monday meeting. (We have meetings at lunch on Monday and after school on Friday.)

I got my hair done like a more-modern-less-mullet-like-and-neater version of Joan Jett’s in this video here ^ yesterday. Also, my bangs are lovelier and my layers less-mullet-like. I really cannot stress “less-mullet-like” enough. I’m thinking I’m going through a rock-and-roll phase. If you want a visual, my hair is supah-thick and brownie.

Speaking of the Students’ Council, I think I might’ve mentioned the life-changing camping trip (that was the most overwhelmingly beauteous and fantastical sunset I have seen in my life, and I think I’ve seen more than the average person) we had at a provincial park sometime in the fall.

I guess field trips like these are referred to as “Students’ Council Bonding Activities”, and we’ve got another one coming up sometime.

There’s no definite date or anything for it, but some Friday, (but not this one since there’s a dance from 7pm-11pm, and unlikely the one after that) after our SC meeting, we’ll hop on a bus to the nearest town/city with LASER TAG!!!!

J’adore laser tag. I was talking with Smiley (BFF) about it after the meeting (she’s not on Students’ Council) and about how excited I was about LASER TAG (!!!!) Then she kept calling me a geek and a nerd, things like that. (The whole ‘no-offence’ matter is implied, she knows I don’t get easily offended.)

I said about how on the date of my thirteenth birthday I went laser-tagging in Edmonton.

It was awesomazing. For serious.

And of course I get “nerdy!” and just laugh. It sounds nerdy, I guess, but I’m not one of those kids who plays Dungeons and Dragons every Saturday night at that store that sells board games and expired Ritz chips. I also don’t regularly read comic books and I don’t particularly excell in mathematics… I don’t have braces or wear glasses, either. And if I did wear glasses, then I wouldn’t even be ashamed of wearing the Harry-Potter variety of glasses. πŸ™‚ Because I’m AWESOME.

It’s not that I’m trying to stereotype, just poke fun at stereotypes.

I am quite intellectual even though I’ve had chess explained to me about twice and don’t know anything more about it other than that the pawns are insignificant, the Queen can move almost anywhere, and DON’T ACCIDENTALLY KNOCK OVER THE KING! or you are doomed.

I did try to read Lonely Planets, Lord of the Flies, and Great Expectations before anyone’s made me read them for school… I didn’t finish them though. But I read The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe (in 4th or 5th grade, I loved it), and since the start of summer I’ve read every book you see listed on my “the list” page. (Upper right button.) Ghost Hunters is one of my favourite shows. (Gosh, I almost typed shoes…) I am intrigued by outerspace and history and the Meaning Of Life and honestly believe I am a genius. I read TONNES of historical fiction novels which I did not realize until history class felt like review for me since I kept reference to these historical fictions. AND I appreciate Shakespeare.

Yesterday I was watching Meet the Robinsons on DVD (all-time favourite movie besides The Lion King) and there was a special feature that mentioned and described several of the Great Inventors that have Changed Life As We Know It. (Including: Wilbur and Orville Wright; Galileo; the Real Guy Who Invented the Telescope; Alexander Graham Bell; etc.) I found myself finishing the narrarators sentences and such about how Galileo wasn’t the real guy who invented the telescope and where the First Flight took place (a place called Kitty Hawk) and that the last, most AWESOMAZING of all mentioned inventors was Walt Disney.

What I did learn is that apparently that big building in Orlando that is Disney and looks like a hugenormous golf ball is actually an inventing and research firm thing. (For serious!)

Which inspired me.

Needless to say, Walt Disney is my new role model. Aside from the whole Disney-uses-sweatshops thing.

I’d better rap it up about now, this entry is longer than I thought it’d be.

I apologize for the repetitiveness and the wierd teenager-speak. It’s the language I speak when I ramble. πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed this surprise entry aswell since I haven’t really had two entries for two days since about the summer.

Then I noticed that after I get a new entry, I get more page views (like, 5 after the last one and one today even though this isn’t technically posted yet) and every so often, a comment.

Better roll with this miniscule internet fame while I can, right? πŸ˜€

The Awesomazing,

Alex Violet. πŸ™‚

Can you guess why?

Today I thanked my mother for birthing me fifteen years ago today.

I truly had a lovely day overall. My aunt, cousin and grampa visited from [a city about an hour and ten/fifteen minutes drive away which shall remain nameless] and we went shopping a little in the mall.

My family bought me a peacoat (navy blue- American Eagle although I am generally opposed to their use of sweatshops) which is a medium because it is a little more form-fitting than what I’m used to (but it still fits) and makes me a little more confident. It makes me feel a little more “feminine” even though I already consider myself a girly-girl.

Have you ever walked by a group of girls with their hair and makeup all done up nicely every day and just walking by them makes you feel instantly like you and these people are just so different? As if maybe, you might never be on speaking terms, let alone friends. You probably won’t be invited to their sweet sixteen and you probably won’t invite them to yours. You might guess that they’re a nice person or that surely they’re alright… but it’s unlikely you will be friends. It sometimes gives you a strange, melancholy feeling inside, but then you think about how your friends are just as great-scratch thatBETTER and you feel it’ll be alright.

Well, this jacket, this magical jacket, made me feel like this feeling was slowly fading into the background. I can be friends with whoever the heck I want and it gave me confidence, which is far better than a peacoat on its own.

Yeah, a lot more happened to me today, I suppose, but my family is watching District Nine and I already missed most of the beggining.

Having a great birthday,

Alexandra Violet

PS My aunt bought me and my brother The Lightning Thief to read. Already I read the first page and I can tell it’s going to be a good one, a real page-turner.


December 27, 2009

I’m sure I’ll probably edit this post later on; but these are my goals for the new decade:


  • Finish my novel already; and get it published.
  • 2

  • Audition for Canadian Idol
  • 3

  • Change people’s lives (for the better!)
  • 4

  • Pursue a career I love
  • 5

  • Visit another country for at least a week
  • 6

  • Be Happy πŸ™‚
  • 7

  • Share that happiness
  • 8

  • Make history
  • 9

  • Learn to bake bread
  • 10

  • Do something prideful each year that I can remember the year by (like last year it was Dinner Theatre, this year the Student Council & The Youth Council)
  • 11

  • Be in a movie (even if I’m just an extra) (a sitcom would count too) (even just behind-the-scenes in a play)
  • But my main goal for 2010 is to write my novel and do my very best in school.

    On a different note, I got a texty messaging phone (is not activated) for Christmas as well as several other lovely items such as a sweatshirt with built-in headphones by Avril Lavigne’s Abbey Dawn clothing label and a box set of Jane Austen novels. (Tried reading Emma but didn’t get past the first couple of pages. Now I’ve read the first chapter of Northanger Abbey)

    My family and I went out shopping yesterday on Boxing Day. We visited Best Buy where my brother got an iPod shuffle (in aquamarine), and Chapters where I got Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, which I read most of the morning. Really good book so far.

    At Best Buy my mother suggested we look at laptops for me. She originally suggested that I look into a laptop with my Best Buy gift card and my significant amount of money (by my standards) given to me by my incredibly generous family members for Christmas and my birthday.

    So we were looking at those really miniature baby laptops that are only, like, 1 gigabyte (that’s sixteen times less than my iPod, and my iPod is not even the newest version as I got it last year for Christmas) and I thought they looked absolutely adorable but they just wouldn’t be enough space for me.

    I formed a small checklist for things I must be able to fit on my laptop:
    – I must be able to have internet.
    – I must be able to write my stories on it.
    – I must be able to play the Sims 3.

    Anything besides that is just a bonus.
    So I saw this one that was of the larger variety and it was called the Acer ASPIRE (not sure about the capitals but I think it looks cool the way I typed it).
    Supposedly it ‘has Windows 7’ which everybody was treating as a program while all this time I thought it was a type of computer on its own.

    I don’t know. I just want a decent laptop for a small price.

    So yeah, life is great, hope it is for you too. I am off to activate my telephone.

    And my birthday is in two days.

    DECEMBER 29 2009 – Alex will be fifteen years old.

    Hope your last few days of the decade is lovely.

    Alex Violet