February 7, 2010

The week just finished was the first week I had of semester 2.

These are my classes:
Period 1: Gr. 10 Academic English
Period 2: Gr. 10 Drama
Period 3: Lunch. πŸ˜€
Period 4: Gr. 10 Art
Period 5: Gr. 10 Academic History

These are all areas that I am INCREDIBLY talented at. For serious. I’m so going to have, like, a 88% average by mid-terms.

On the first morning (Tuesday- Monday was a PA Day) back, I was so freaking excited that I almost peed my pants. For serious.

I’m not sure where I first heard ‘For serious’, but I’m thinking it’s going to be my new catchphrase. You see, I go through catchphrase phases. Right now I’m trying to get ‘ace’ to be said along with ‘epic’. It’s easy to start these trends with my friends, because they’re the sort of people who think it’s fun to start trends.

Like “awesomazing”. I made a facebook group dedicated for people who use the word “awesomazing” in the summer. I think there were 8 when school started and today I checked and there were 45. (!) Most of them I didn’t even know in person!!!! πŸ˜€

Anyway, I’m getting off-topic, but that’s okay.

Now I’m going to tell you all about my awesomazing classes. πŸ™‚

We’re supposed to read Romeo & Juliet; To Kill a Mockingbird; and also Lord of the Flies. And we will be writing lots and lots. Which is GREAT!!! I love to write. Well, obviously. I write a blog, right? Last year in academic English I got a 84% and I know I probably could have tried harder.
But supposedly the teacher I had before was an easy marker and this one is a harsh marker. On those little sheets we’re supposed to fill out with little things about ourselves (our fav. classes; hobbies; and what our goal mark for this class is) I wrote that I expected at least an 80% of myself.
This is going to be much, much fun. I can tell. The teacher has a sense of humour, that’s why. Also, I’m not sitting alone in the back of the class like I sometimes tend to do. I sit in the centre column one desk up from the front, and someone sits beside me. And they aren’t a terrible person either.

Originally, I think this class had around 16 people in it, a cute little group to begin with. Then like, 5 people switched out. So stagefright is minimized, sort of.
Speaking of stagefright, I’m thinking I’ll just ignore it this time, like I did last year. Last year I was trying to prove to myself that I CAN act, no matter what anyone says. In elementary school, I got practically straight B-minuses in this subject. Last year I pulled of 90%. I think I mentioned this before. Several times. Sorry. But I will never get tired of bragging.
It’s a different teacher this year, one that’s more into the theoretical side of drama than the actual acting side of it. But it’s fine, since I love theoretical discussions.
And every day we do games (“vocal excersises, physical excersises, etc.” she calls them) and things like trust falls. And my antisocialism won’t affect anything, either, since I’ve known some of them since elementary/middle school. (For the record- I refer to gr. 7 & 8 as middle school since it was a different school than the one I went to during gr.6 and all years before that.)
And each time the teacher makes us pair up with someone new, who’s not our “best friend in the class”. So this time, people actually approach me, like I always wanted. But now I also don’t have fear of picking someone random, either.

My teacher for grade 9 art was the best- she was all “take your time,” and “it doesn’t have to be perfect, no matter what you do it will be a masterpiece”. On all the sketchbook drawings I handed in, she marked them ten out of ten. Except for the last one, which I didn’t do. (No time.)
Then, as you know, she gave me the grade 9 art award. πŸ™‚
This year I was supposed to get the other art teacher who I don’t know very well.
But when they handed me my schedule Tuesday morning, I did a double-take.
Oh my God. Thank you. I was almost going to pee myself again. I have the awesome teacher again! It’s as if all my brutal suffering of last semester pulled off! The fates are on my side!!! πŸ˜€
I’m expecting maybe an 86% in this class. I got 80% last year because I suck at clay.

We did an assignment on Thursday that was about one page front and back and a third of another page.
It was open-textbook and she gave us the page numbers.
I got like, a 97% on it.
In order to be exempt from the history exam, you need at least an 80% going into the exam. When I first head about this exemption policy, I was ecstatic. For serious. I’ve made a vow to pull off something way above that. And one I got the assignment back, I thought, NINETY!!!

This is going to be an AWESOMAZING semester.

My bladder told me so. πŸ™‚

The awesomazing and ecstatic,
Alex Violet

P.S. I should probably tell you about my favourite feeling in the world.

I walked through the doors every morning this week with the thought in my mind, this is the way high school is supposed to be, and I am NOT as stupid as semester one made me feel!!!

A Real Post

January 23, 2010

Sorry for phsycing you out there before. πŸ˜›

I’ve been going through exams and have a lot on my mind.
But TGIF, you know?

Here’s a little music to get your spirits up:

But seriously. Pull your pants up.

So, here are my happenings:

1. Halfway done exams. I continue with my vocals and math exam on Monday and Tuesday. (Actually, I’m not sure if there actually is an exam for vocals on Monday. I’m a little confused about the whole thing so I’m just going to show up and if there’s no exam, then I’m off.)
2. Shopping @ Wal*Mart with the lunch group today when my exam let out. (I speak of the best friends from school that I eat lunch with.) Bought Teen Vogue with one of my gift cards.
3. Determined with the lunch group that we should have a potluck on the first day back from exams. I will bring popcorn. πŸ™‚
4. After Wal*Mart, walked back to the school by around 12:10 (the teachers were still there because they need to stay for the full day to get paid for the full day- plus, some of them had senior class exams which usually take, like, three hours each) and I got help with math for the exam I’ll be having on Tuesday. My friend Smiley sat there with me and listened to her MP3 player, staring out the window while I was figuring out the answers to a question requiring knowledge of either the quadratic formula or factoring. (Both of which I drastically failed my unit test on- but it’s okay, I understand them now.)
5. My school has been having a clothes-drive for Haiti. I think it was extremely successful, within a few days we had a pile of stuff about 2 or 3 feet tall, 4 feet out from the wall, and about 10 feet long. At least I think. And I noticed someone drop by a huge bag of clothes after all the rest of them were picked up today. It makes me happy inside to know that my high school cares.
6. I’m joining the arts council for my school when the new semester starts.
7. I got a laptop the Saturday before last. I’ve been playing the Sims 3 and writing my novel (about thirty pages have been created of it on this new computer.)

Alex Violet

Poem and my whole week.

December 19, 2009

WARNING: This entry is more than 2550 words. My average longer entry is about 750-800 words. This is my longest entry ever before. I guess you could say that this is a special holiday edition entry and also enough text to make up for all this lack of writing over the past few months. Press more if you’ve got the time. Read the rest of this entry »

A Glimpse

November 15, 2009

This is a video of me (sitting in the lawn chair at the start) and my little brother, Mathew (behind the shed yelling bear noises at the start).
I posted this video on YouTube about July 2008 (the summer before ninth grade, I believe. I was thirteen, Mathew was … nine, I think?).
It was about a year and a half ago, I believe. It feels like it was longer, though.
There’s been a lot that’s happened since then.

I started high school.
I won an art award.
I went through 9 exams.
I went camping at a beautiful provincial park with the student’s council.
I gained like, 10 of some of my best friends in the world at pathfinders.
I got a facebook account.
I got a blog.
I’ve attempted to finish writing several novels.
I got an iPod.
I went ‘out west’ for the third time in my life.
I visited Vancouver for the first time in my life.
I dipped my feet in the Pacific ocean.
I went to my first high school dance.
I went to Niagara Falls on a (geography class) field trip with some really great people and got in trouble with the teachers because we brought too much sugary pop and chips for our own good and all had sugar rushes at midnight.
I had the time of my life in Dinner Theatre.
I discovered a secret passageway in my school’s proproom hidden behind shelves.
I invented the word ‘AWESOMAZING’.
I’ve made a zillion more people laugh.
I joined my city’s youth council.
I met the mayor.
I discovered Twilight a few weeks after the above video was filmed.
I’ve come to terms with myself. (I am not so ashamed of who I am anymore. Because I am awesomazing.)
I spent a night in a haunted hotel.
I contacted a ghost. (One of my BFF’s birthday party. Her place was haunted so we pretended to be like TAPS.)
I sang ‘Tomorrow’ (from Annie) at the top of my lungs in the middle of a forest while cleaning an outhouse.
I sang ‘Tomorrow’ (from Annie) at the top of my lungs in the middle of a forest with some of my very best friends.
I have learned that everything has flaws but that doesn’t mean it isn’t beautiful and perfect by all means.
My kitten turned three years old.
I discovered that I truly would prefer world peace over all the money in the world anyday.
I have done way more than I ever thought I would and today it has occured to me that the past two years of my life have been worth every second, and I wouldn’t change anything at all.
I really truly wouldn’t.