
May 30, 2010

I feel like I need to take a bit of a hiatus from blogging.

Reasons why:

a) I’ve become one of those obsessive people that checks her email constantly for comments on blog posts and then the actual wordpress website to look at how many page views I’ve got and how many subscribers I’ve got TOO OFTEN.
When I was in sixth grade, I was an internet junkie too, and I figured if I couldn’t make my way socially through school, I’d make it through the internet. But I’m in HIGH SCHOOL now. High school years are supposed to be the years I remember for the rest of my life, and I’m just spending too much of it distracted through things like blogging and polyvore.

b) If I want to write about my life, I’ve got a journal for that. And I can say more without worrying who I’ll offend or anger or shock in a journal. My journal is private.

(Side note: My journal is currently close to being filled up. (220 full pages of my journal are written, plus a sentence on the 221st page. I keep purple journals with snap-button closure things on the edge since I like to tuck things like tickets or brochures in the pages. If anyone knows where -Canadian stores- I can buy a journal like that, let me know. Or you can, *ahem, people who know me live* maybe buy one for me as an advance birthday, Christmas, or other gift-giving holiday gift? *Imagine a puppy-dog pout here.* *No, wait. A small baby kitten meowing. Or Puss in Boots from Shrek with that face.*)

c) It’s time consuming. (1:09 AM as I write this.)

d) When I try to catch up with people on the phone about my week, *cough, cough: DADDY* they already know what I’m about to say because they read my blog. So conversation isn’t quite as fun.

e) …

Alright, I can’t think of an (e) right now, but I think you catch my drift.

I love to write, but right now, I’d rather focus on writing my novel, or in my journal, or in English class (really the place where grown-ups want you to write).

I don’t think I’ll stop blogging for good. I’ve just got so much going on in my life and there’s quite a bit that I’ve realized today.

I’m not shy. I’m not quiet. I’m not the student everyone thinks I am. I’m loud and act crazy and that’s who I really am, because I feel great when I act like that; I feel like me. If I sit down to type about my life for the trillionth time (I’ve got my journal and all my friends to talk to.) what happened this week, it actually TAKES AWAY from what really happened that week, if you realize it.

And sometimes I’d just prefer to have a journal that you can actually hold with your hands, open and read the words I wrote so long ago. Somehow it feels more… real.

I’m happy that you like my writing (if you didn’t, I doubt you would’ve read this far) because writing IS something I care passionately about. But I hate having to repeat myself to so many sources because it’s hard to keep track of what I’ve told to who. I hear way too often, “I know, you told me already.”

Anyway, I feel like going anti-technology for a while because it really sucks up quite a bit of my life. If I feel I’ve got something I really feel I need to share with the world, maybe I’ll interrupt the hiatus to write something.

But right now I need to work on my life rather than trying to sort out everyone else’s, or even philosophy in general. I’ll still look for meaning in everything… just everyday things. If I get too obsessed with having to have an opinion on everything and analyze everything, I think I’ll go crazy…

So just, long story short: I can’t handle blogging right now so I’m taking a break. I don’t know for how long. I might post something little (like a sonnet or a paragraph or a picture) every once in a while to let you know that I’m still alive. But whenever I post something, it probably won’t be very frequently.

If I know you in person and you REALLY, I mean REALLY want to read something else I’ve written, let me know.

Thank you for reading,

Alex Violet.

Enter title here.

May 23, 2010

HORRAH FOR EXISTENCE!!Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

HORRAH FOR EXISTENCE!! by DinosaurMuffin on Polyvore.com

Simple day.

Slept in until about 10-something after staying up until 2 AM-ish to write in my journal.

(I wrote TWENTY pages of my journal, my record being NINE.)

Went on polyvore.

I plan to go play the Sims 3 after this, as I haven’t played it in a while.

Everything is all good.

That’s about it…


I plan on finally getting around to writing more of my book tonight. (I try to stick to writing about vampires when it’s dark out. It’s just easier and I feel more free to write what I please when everyone’s asleep and there’s no chance they’ll walk past or get curious about what I’m spending so much time on. I don’t know why, but I really feel much more comfortable with letting my close friends read it than my family…) I planned on writing a lot last night but I spent that time writing in my journal and decided it was far to late to try to get my laptop all set up.

Yesterday Papa (grampa on Mother’s side) visited us and we all went to the Sears to get Mathew a suit for his Grade 6 graduation. (If you’re confused by him having a Grade 6 graduation, it’s because the elementary school we both went to in the neighbourhood only goes up to Grade 6.)

We’ve got pictures of him in his suit that I took from my phone.

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So YEAH. Life is FANTABULOUS. Thank God my school week is over. Thank God it’s the Victoria Day weekend. Thank God school’s almost over. Thank God my exams can’t possibly be worse than last semester. Thank God I’M EXEMPT FROM THE HISTORY EXAM!!!! 😀 =D

Alex Violet

P. S.: 55 days.


May 16, 2010

Okay, so I made this thing on Polyvore today and I wanted to share. It’s sort of a picture with a whole lot of embellishments then a speech about all the stuff I’ll do with my life. (I’m copying and pasting the description.)

UntitledFashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

Untitled by DinosaurMuffin on Polyvore.com

Today you think I’m the quiet one in the back of the classroom.
I was the “smart one” you never got to know.
I was “good at everything,” a good artist, a writer, and therfore good at all else.
But I really was good at art, and I loved to write.
I shocked you when you saw me in drama class.
I didn’t surprise you by being on the students’ council.
It blew your mind, though, that I was writing a novel.
A fifteen-year-old high school kid from a military town, wanting to write a novel. Ha! Imagine that.
No, wait. AND thinking it would get published. Now THAT’S humour.
But then it gets published.
And you read it just to see what the commotion’s all about.
You give up halfway through because the writing’s too deep for you.
You think it’s a load of crap.
You make fun of it for all your friends and act like you were my best friend back in the day when people ask you about me.
And then I start getting into politics.
You’re not completely surprised, since I was always a “smartie.”
But you always thought I’d be more of a math teacher.
Well, you know what?
I got a 52 in tenth grade math.
So shut up.
You thought I was the quietest person in the world; you even voted me “quietest” for the yearbook.
Well, you know what?
I got a 90% in ninth grade drama.
It wasn’t because I was really good at acting like someone I wasn’t, it was because I was good at relating to people.
There was always so many dimensions to my soul and so many different sides of me that you never understood.
And as I gain steam in politics, you vote for me because you doubt anyone else will.
Then I win the election.
I keep reaching higher, and I keep making bigger goals.
The funny thing is, I keep achieving them too.
And you think I’ve somehow cheated at life, you can’t believe I did all this.
As you sit there in awe, watching me being announced prime minister of Canada on television, you think to yourself, “How the hell did she do it?”
And you just can’t comprehend it.
So all you can think of to do is turn to the hundredth guy who promised to be with you forever, and say, “I knew her when,”
Because you saw my face when. You knew my name when. You knew the name of my school and for all I know or care, what street I lived on.
But the truth is, you still can’t figure it out.
You can’t figure out how I did all this, publishing books and leading the world, learning and dreaming while you were publishing “BOOOORRRREEEEEEDDDD.” a thousand times as your facebook status.
When you gave up on dreaming, when you decided these dreams were out of reach, you stopped reaching.
But I never stopped reaching.
I never cared how impossible you told me things were, because I knew and know the truth.

You can’t just sit there and wait for things to happen.

Alex Violet

Music Monday!

May 3, 2010

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Hey, guess what? A band came to my school today for “Music Monday.” I got out of art class and recorded something like 25 minutes of them talking about the music industry. They performed afterward and I got a couple photos with the band members.

I’m also following them on twitter now. I’m not going to say who the band is, since it would DEFINITELY give away where I live; it’s posted right on their myspace page twice and one of the band members tweeted it.

They’re relatively unknown right now, (recently signed and all) and even though they claim to have been living in a “hippie bus” while on tour and that they’re “broke,” I DO firmly believe they’ll make it big.


When they performed, it was like giving a thousand gummy worms to a six-year-old or waking up to a snow day. Walking into a surprise party! Clinically depressed people would happy-dance at the sound.

As soon as the show was over, the majority of the audience flooded out of the auditorium and I desperately wanted to get a picture with them. But a good-quality one, not just the kind you take at arm’s length. So, as fast as I could, trying to maneuver myself around the crowd, I climbed over four rows of seats until I was within earshot of the next friend I saw to take the photo for me. (J.- that one I do yoga with who’s in my art class too.)

You know those movie-theatre seats the you have to flip down to sit on? Yeah, well my auditorium has those, but made of wood and metal. (Just as unstable, if not more so.) On my first step, my foot was basically eaten by the chair, swallowed in between its wood back and metal flip-seat-thing. Dammit, it hurt, but I had to go on!

And I did. I got 3 photos with various members of the band (I think one of them’s the bassist or the drummer and the other’s for sure the lead singer). One was like two ghostly figures in the dark due to poor auditorium lighting, but whatever. The lead singer was really nice about everything- the type of person who walks around the crowd rather than have you maneuver your way around it. And then checks to make sure the photo turned out okay with the poop auditorium lighting (and walks out into good lighting for a better photo) before you leave and the lead singer calls out, “Have a good one!”

“Thanks, you too!”

When I got home, Mother was at work so I had to get into the apartment myself. But oopsie-poopsie, I forgot my keys. It’s not the first time, either, so I did what I’ve always done. I walked all the way up to Mathew’s school to pick him up. (The first time I forgot my keys, I planned it mainly because I figured he’d have keys.)

IN THE SCORCHING, SOPPING HEAT, STILL CARRYING MY BACKPACK AND LUNCHBAG. (‘Sopping’ is a word, right? It sounds appropriate to me…) I want to complain about it being so hot so soon, but then I look at the calendar and realize it’s May. (Thank goodness, I think. May is the one month that always seems to never come, at least to me.)

And when I got to the school, I was a half-hour early. So I just went on a long walk on the roads intertwining the surrounding neighbourhood and took some pleasant photos. Beautiful, sunshine-y day, why shouldn’t I? I really love the neighbourhood up on top of the hill, by Mathew’s school. It’s so humble, pretty, and homey. It’s the street at the bottom of the hill where all the bad things happen.

(I live in this little apartment complex hidden at the side of the hill. Don’t get me wrong, poop still happens here, but I’ve not heard any gunshots like there are farther down the street. A couple nights ago I had the window open and couldn’t sleep, so I listened in to the loud conversation going on outside. There was the teen mother living in the apartment above me yelling at some man, saying, “You shoot people, [insert name in which I’ve forgotten here]! Forgive me for not wanting to invite you in because at anytime you could pull a gun on me and my kid! I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in killing people!” She sounded close to tears and all the while I was telepathically cheering her on.)

On my way back from the walk, I ran into my mother who drove me back to the school to pick up Mathew and back home. When I explained what I was doing, I got an expected smile, sigh, and eye roll. 🙂

I also took a nap for like, an hour when I came home. Got minimal sleep last night because I stayed up ’til, like, midnight-thirty writing my vampire story. (Page 71 now. 🙂 )

That’s pretty much the gist of my life today.

I don’t remember if I made an entry yesterday, but that’s okay. You didn’t miss much. I relaxed all weekend for once. This weekend I go camping.

Alex Violet

P.S. Yeah, I do, actually, make a new paragraph for each sentence so it seems like I’ve written more than I have.

Haha, no. Actually, I do that because when I’m reading it over, I personally find it easier to understand. It’s like giving someone a page of instructions versus a page of numbered instructions. Plus, it adds effect.

Emotion, whatever.

P. P. S. I’m under the impression that there was no Students’ Council meeting today since I waited outside the SC room for five minutes and no one showed. (Not even to tell me there was no meeting.) I feel like I missed something significant… whatever. I’ve been to mostly all the other meetings, anyway. Can’t win ’em all…
Maybe it was for the best anyway because the weather’s hot- but it’s cooler outside where there’s a breeze. I spent some time outside during lunch with a friend (who’s an absolute RAY OF SUNSHINE!) from pathfinders I haven’t seen in a while and one of her other friends. I felt AWESOME afterward.