I don’t have school today. πŸ™‚

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I know, not really much of an entry but whatever.

I don’t have much to fill you in about. The day’s bearely half-over and I woke up about two hours ago. School’s tomorrow. I wrote a bit of my book last night, (as in I stayed up until, like, midnight-thirty) inspired by what happened in the second-hand bookstore two days ago.

Also, there’s this book called Leviathan I saw in the Chapters the other day and flipped through the first couple chapters of it briefly. I think it’s going to be awesome. I didn’t buy it though. (It was $23 and hardcover and an inch and a half thick, forgive me.) Not buying it was a mistake.

I think I’m addicted to this book.

I know because I’m showing the same signs that I showed towards Twilight in July 2008, when I spent hours on Stephenie Meyer’s website, reading whatever first-chapter sample or deleted scene I could find. But I hadn’t actually bought it yet. I was just really excited about it.

It’s like someone offering you the perfect slice of chocolate cake and saying “Well, I’ll try just one bite.” After that one bite, you MUST have more. Or like Lays potato chips. Bet you can’t eat just one.

By the way, Chuck Norris can eat just one. πŸ˜›

Plus, the Leviathan author has a really awesomazing website. πŸ™‚

On another note, I’ve been in a really rock-star, daredevelish mood lately. Like I can watch the scariest horror movie, juggle 4 extra-curriculars, schoolwork, a novel, a blog, and have just enough free time to keep me sane. Or to keep me insane. Tomato, potato. Bring it on, world! I’m stronger than I thought I was! πŸ˜€

So I hope even if your government hasn’t made Family Day official yet, that you’re enjoying the day just as much anyway.

The Awesomazing Rock-Star,

Alex Violet πŸ˜€

What’s UP!!

February 8, 2010

The Saints won! πŸ™‚

Not that I’m football-crazy, I actually watched the first hour or so of it then got bored and changed the channel to like, What Not to Wear or something like that.

But the Students’ Council was talking about it at lunch today in our Monday meeting. (We have meetings at lunch on Monday and after school on Friday.)

I got my hair done like a more-modern-less-mullet-like-and-neater version of Joan Jett’s in this video here ^ yesterday. Also, my bangs are lovelier and my layers less-mullet-like. I really cannot stress “less-mullet-like” enough. I’m thinking I’m going through a rock-and-roll phase. If you want a visual, my hair is supah-thick and brownie.

Speaking of the Students’ Council, I think I might’ve mentioned the life-changing camping trip (that was the most overwhelmingly beauteous and fantastical sunset I have seen in my life, and I think I’ve seen more than the average person) we had at a provincial park sometime in the fall.

I guess field trips like these are referred to as “Students’ Council Bonding Activities”, and we’ve got another one coming up sometime.

There’s no definite date or anything for it, but some Friday, (but not this one since there’s a dance from 7pm-11pm, and unlikely the one after that) after our SC meeting, we’ll hop on a bus to the nearest town/city with LASER TAG!!!!

J’adore laser tag. I was talking with Smiley (BFF) about it after the meeting (she’s not on Students’ Council) and about how excited I was about LASER TAG (!!!!) Then she kept calling me a geek and a nerd, things like that. (The whole ‘no-offence’ matter is implied, she knows I don’t get easily offended.)

I said about how on the date of my thirteenth birthday I went laser-tagging in Edmonton.

It was awesomazing. For serious.

And of course I get “nerdy!” and just laugh. It sounds nerdy, I guess, but I’m not one of those kids who plays Dungeons and Dragons every Saturday night at that store that sells board games and expired Ritz chips. I also don’t regularly read comic books and I don’t particularly excell in mathematics… I don’t have braces or wear glasses, either. And if I did wear glasses, then I wouldn’t even be ashamed of wearing the Harry-Potter variety of glasses. πŸ™‚ Because I’m AWESOME.

It’s not that I’m trying to stereotype, just poke fun at stereotypes.

I am quite intellectual even though I’ve had chess explained to me about twice and don’t know anything more about it other than that the pawns are insignificant, the Queen can move almost anywhere, and DON’T ACCIDENTALLY KNOCK OVER THE KING! or you are doomed.

I did try to read Lonely Planets, Lord of the Flies, and Great Expectations before anyone’s made me read them for school… I didn’t finish them though. But I read The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe (in 4th or 5th grade, I loved it), and since the start of summer I’ve read every book you see listed on my “the list” page. (Upper right button.) Ghost Hunters is one of my favourite shows. (Gosh, I almost typed shoes…) I am intrigued by outerspace and history and the Meaning Of Life and honestly believe I am a genius. I read TONNES of historical fiction novels which I did not realize until history class felt like review for me since I kept reference to these historical fictions. AND I appreciate Shakespeare.

Yesterday I was watching Meet the Robinsons on DVD (all-time favourite movie besides The Lion King) and there was a special feature that mentioned and described several of the Great Inventors that have Changed Life As We Know It. (Including: Wilbur and Orville Wright; Galileo; the Real Guy Who Invented the Telescope; Alexander Graham Bell; etc.) I found myself finishing the narrarators sentences and such about how Galileo wasn’t the real guy who invented the telescope and where the First Flight took place (a place called Kitty Hawk) and that the last, most AWESOMAZING of all mentioned inventors was Walt Disney.

What I did learn is that apparently that big building in Orlando that is Disney and looks like a hugenormous golf ball is actually an inventing and research firm thing. (For serious!)

Which inspired me.

Needless to say, Walt Disney is my new role model. Aside from the whole Disney-uses-sweatshops thing.

I’d better rap it up about now, this entry is longer than I thought it’d be.

I apologize for the repetitiveness and the wierd teenager-speak. It’s the language I speak when I ramble. πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

I hope you enjoyed this surprise entry aswell since I haven’t really had two entries for two days since about the summer.

Then I noticed that after I get a new entry, I get more page views (like, 5 after the last one and one today even though this isn’t technically posted yet) and every so often, a comment.

Better roll with this miniscule internet fame while I can, right? πŸ˜€

The Awesomazing,

Alex Violet. πŸ™‚

Poem and my whole week.

December 19, 2009

WARNING: This entry is more than 2550 words. My average longer entry is about 750-800 words. This is my longest entry ever before. I guess you could say that this is a special holiday edition entry and also enough text to make up for all this lack of writing over the past few months. Press more if you’ve got the time. Read the rest of this entry »

How’s it going?

November 5, 2009

I desperately would like to make a long, interesting (to me at least) entry about anything, but I am far to busy. Tomorrow I have a Civics exam (view my ‘Dignity’ entry for how I feel about that class) and a math test later in the day. I had an EQAO literacy test yesterday morning and then I went on a student’s council feild trip yesterday afternoon. I can barely comprehend the mathematics I am trying so desperately hard to learn for tomorrow’s test. On top of that, we’re applying math to chemistry in science class (!) and in vocals class I am rocking out. I’m becoming more and more social each day (which was my new school-year resolution) and my classmates in vocals are helping to get my friend (who, until I ask her what she would like her name to be in this blog, shall remain nameless) to feel comfortable singing with everyone. Which is great, and she was singing today when we had a class in the auditorium today. I love our school’s auditorium. I don’t know when it was last updated, but it must have been sometime in the seventies, more or less. I hope they don’t update it for a long time. I want to go back there at my high school reunion and be glad that one of the things I love most about the school hadn’t changed. (My other favourite thing about the school is the secret door in the prop room that’s hidden behind old shelves and costumes.)

Sorry. Rambling again.

Anyway, I’m trying to write my novel now, so I’ve gotto go.

I tried putting this playlist on the blog earlier, but it just won’t work, so I’m giving you a link to a list of some songs I like.

Click here for tunes.