March 12, 2010

At my school we get today off as a ‘Non-Instructional Day’. So March break starts EARLY. πŸ˜€

You don’t know how many YouTube videos I watched, trying to find the perfect Bowling for Soup video for you. I chose this one because their interruption after the “Stop. STOP. STOP!” lyrics is the funniest I’ve seen out of the videos I watched. Bowling for Soup RULEZ.

Yesterday I did a Pathfinder thing. We were supposed to meet at the Pathfinder leader’s house to uproot some of her daffodils (they’ve sprouted about an inch, more or less, above dirt level) and walk them over to the church to plant them. We worked from around 4:30 to 6:45 when the sun was going down. Only two other Pathfinders showed up, but we all had fun anyway.

At one point me and one girl were digging holes for the daffodils and we hit the mat that’s under the soil and didn’t know what it was at first.

B (the Pathfinder that was digging with me): Oh my God, what is that? It’s moving! [Pokes mat with hand-shovel/trowel/whatever-they’re-called, it moves]
Me: OMG, it’s a dead body.
B: [Giggles]
Me: What if it really was? Someone just burried a dead body ou’side the church? Would you like, freak?
B: Yeah.

The Pathfinder leader burst our bubble, though by telling us what it really was. Both me and B were disappointed.

But it was okay. πŸ™‚

After the two other Pathfinders left, the Pathfinder leader (we call her Tigger, I hope it’s okay that I say that on the internet…) invited me and my mother and brother (who also helped garden when the sun started to disappear) inside the church and offered us chocolate milk and gingersnap cookies. Which rule. I got to finish off a whole row of them from the cookie bag.

I’ve found it easier to sleep a lot lately, too because I haven’t had pop in days and gotten a reasonable amount of fresh air and on top of that, my to-do list has been lengthy lately.

Especially for school. I was supposed to have four assignments and a test due this week. (But lucky for me the test is postponed until the day we get back from break.)

I had a Student Council meeting on Monday at lunch.

Plus I had to sell tickets all lunch on Tuesday for the staff-student hockey game the next afternoon.

I walked home from the hockey game with Smiley on Wednesday, which is a very long walk. Not as long as the walk from school though, but still over an hour or so. But it was worth it, since it was such a beautiful day out. I got home by a little before 3, which is usually the time I get home by on the bus. I fell asleep for a while with my cat on my stomach, and woke up when my mom made me go to the Youth Council meeting.

After that, Thursday was really a relief.

Even though a presentation of one of my assignments plus a written response of the book, To Kill a Mockingbird were due, it was great. The teacher complimented my assignment and said it was a really unique idea, no one’s ever made masks for the assignment before.

We had been given a list of assignments to choose from last week, the last one on the list being anything the student can come up with as long as the teacher approved. I spent hours on making masquerade masks for the characters Romeo and Juliet and then ten minutes explaining how they represent the characters.

Long story short, life has been busy but fufilling lately. πŸ™‚

Alex Violet

A Real Post

January 23, 2010

Sorry for phsycing you out there before. πŸ˜›

I’ve been going through exams and have a lot on my mind.
But TGIF, you know?

Here’s a little music to get your spirits up:

But seriously. Pull your pants up.

So, here are my happenings:

1. Halfway done exams. I continue with my vocals and math exam on Monday and Tuesday. (Actually, I’m not sure if there actually is an exam for vocals on Monday. I’m a little confused about the whole thing so I’m just going to show up and if there’s no exam, then I’m off.)
2. Shopping @ Wal*Mart with the lunch group today when my exam let out. (I speak of the best friends from school that I eat lunch with.) Bought Teen Vogue with one of my gift cards.
3. Determined with the lunch group that we should have a potluck on the first day back from exams. I will bring popcorn. πŸ™‚
4. After Wal*Mart, walked back to the school by around 12:10 (the teachers were still there because they need to stay for the full day to get paid for the full day- plus, some of them had senior class exams which usually take, like, three hours each) and I got help with math for the exam I’ll be having on Tuesday. My friend Smiley sat there with me and listened to her MP3 player, staring out the window while I was figuring out the answers to a question requiring knowledge of either the quadratic formula or factoring. (Both of which I drastically failed my unit test on- but it’s okay, I understand them now.)
5. My school has been having a clothes-drive for Haiti. I think it was extremely successful, within a few days we had a pile of stuff about 2 or 3 feet tall, 4 feet out from the wall, and about 10 feet long. At least I think. And I noticed someone drop by a huge bag of clothes after all the rest of them were picked up today. It makes me happy inside to know that my high school cares.
6. I’m joining the arts council for my school when the new semester starts.
7. I got a laptop the Saturday before last. I’ve been playing the Sims 3 and writing my novel (about thirty pages have been created of it on this new computer.)

Alex Violet

Singing for the heck of it

January 8, 2010

Some of my favourite memories and countless inside jokes are from pathfinder camp.

Take last camp, for example. It was in the most recent fall.

We were alotted (sp?) some free time near dinner (I don’t remember if it was before or after) and so me, my tent buddies (who shall be referred to as Brianna, Olivia, and A. until I consult them to see what they want to be called on my blog), and a friendly girl guide (grade 6 I believe- shall be referred to as R.) were doing a little bit of a sing-a-long in the back room of the only cabin at our usual campsite. (I’ve only ever slept there once: we were going to sleep in the lean-to but then it started pouring rain and it was uninhabitable.)

It was great! I could sing at the top of my lungs to Tomorrow from Annie and some of my closest friends would sing along with me/harmonize (whatever you call it) and we made it sound wonderful.

Seriously. Broadway would be JEALOUS. Either that or they’d be trying to recruit us. πŸ˜›

Not to be concieted or anything. I really and truly believe that that day I was singing better than I ever have in my life.

I was at the epitome of happiness!

I was so happy, I volunteered to clean the outhouses. I even sang Tomorrow while in the process. Smiling, mind you.

Nothing could get me down, and we sang all sorts of songs besides Tomorrow. Like: I’m gonna be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers, The Eye of the Tiger, and I think we sang some High School Musical, too. There were a lot more, really, (we sang, like, half the songs I know and love) but I don’t remember them all.

We were in the middle of the forest, really far out of the way from anyone who I would be nervous singing in front of. Which I honestly think affected the confidence in my voice.

I love pathfinders, I can be whoever the heck I want to be and they love me no matter how crazy and spontaneous I act. Which is very.

I believe that’s because in my third year of pathfinders, someone I knew from guides ‘flew up’ to pathfinders (to be referred to as R.-L.). This person had known me as outspoken when we were in guides together, so I felt like I had that role back. I had to be the person this person knew me to be.

Except now I was happier. Millions of times happier. (For those of you that don’t know; I was depressed and bullied a lot in grade 6, which was my last year of guides.)
So, being happier, I could be the spontaneous, loud, outspoken, honest but kind person I always wanted to be.

So thank you, R.-L. You probably don’t read my blog, but thank you anyway. And thank you EVERYBODY from pathfinders who gives me confidence and who are some of my very best friends.

And thank YOU, my dear friend, for reading. πŸ™‚

Truly and forever,

πŸ™‚ Alex Violet πŸ™‚

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players”

Poem and my whole week.

December 19, 2009

WARNING: This entry is more than 2550 words. My average longer entry is about 750-800 words. This is my longest entry ever before. I guess you could say that this is a special holiday edition entry and also enough text to make up for all this lack of writing over the past few months. Press more if you’ve got the time. Read the rest of this entry »