Singing for the heck of it

January 8, 2010

Some of my favourite memories and countless inside jokes are from pathfinder camp.

Take last camp, for example. It was in the most recent fall.

We were alotted (sp?) some free time near dinner (I don’t remember if it was before or after) and so me, my tent buddies (who shall be referred to as Brianna, Olivia, and A. until I consult them to see what they want to be called on my blog), and a friendly girl guide (grade 6 I believe- shall be referred to as R.) were doing a little bit of a sing-a-long in the back room of the only cabin at our usual campsite. (I’ve only ever slept there once: we were going to sleep in the lean-to but then it started pouring rain and it was uninhabitable.)

It was great! I could sing at the top of my lungs to Tomorrow from Annie and some of my closest friends would sing along with me/harmonize (whatever you call it) and we made it sound wonderful.

Seriously. Broadway would be JEALOUS. Either that or they’d be trying to recruit us. πŸ˜›

Not to be concieted or anything. I really and truly believe that that day I was singing better than I ever have in my life.

I was at the epitome of happiness!

I was so happy, I volunteered to clean the outhouses. I even sang Tomorrow while in the process. Smiling, mind you.

Nothing could get me down, and we sang all sorts of songs besides Tomorrow. Like: I’m gonna be (500 miles) by the Proclaimers, The Eye of the Tiger, and I think we sang some High School Musical, too. There were a lot more, really, (we sang, like, half the songs I know and love) but I don’t remember them all.

We were in the middle of the forest, really far out of the way from anyone who I would be nervous singing in front of. Which I honestly think affected the confidence in my voice.

I love pathfinders, I can be whoever the heck I want to be and they love me no matter how crazy and spontaneous I act. Which is very.

I believe that’s because in my third year of pathfinders, someone I knew from guides ‘flew up’ to pathfinders (to be referred to as R.-L.). This person had known me as outspoken when we were in guides together, so I felt like I had that role back. I had to be the person this person knew me to be.

Except now I was happier. Millions of times happier. (For those of you that don’t know; I was depressed and bullied a lot in grade 6, which was my last year of guides.)
So, being happier, I could be the spontaneous, loud, outspoken, honest but kind person I always wanted to be.

So thank you, R.-L. You probably don’t read my blog, but thank you anyway. And thank you EVERYBODY from pathfinders who gives me confidence and who are some of my very best friends.

And thank YOU, my dear friend, for reading. πŸ™‚

Truly and forever,

πŸ™‚ Alex Violet πŸ™‚

“All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players”


December 27, 2009

I’m sure I’ll probably edit this post later on; but these are my goals for the new decade:


  • Finish my novel already; and get it published.
  • 2

  • Audition for Canadian Idol
  • 3

  • Change people’s lives (for the better!)
  • 4

  • Pursue a career I love
  • 5

  • Visit another country for at least a week
  • 6

  • Be Happy πŸ™‚
  • 7

  • Share that happiness
  • 8

  • Make history
  • 9

  • Learn to bake bread
  • 10

  • Do something prideful each year that I can remember the year by (like last year it was Dinner Theatre, this year the Student Council & The Youth Council)
  • 11

  • Be in a movie (even if I’m just an extra) (a sitcom would count too) (even just behind-the-scenes in a play)
  • But my main goal for 2010 is to write my novel and do my very best in school.

    On a different note, I got a texty messaging phone (is not activated) for Christmas as well as several other lovely items such as a sweatshirt with built-in headphones by Avril Lavigne’s Abbey Dawn clothing label and a box set of Jane Austen novels. (Tried reading Emma but didn’t get past the first couple of pages. Now I’ve read the first chapter of Northanger Abbey)

    My family and I went out shopping yesterday on Boxing Day. We visited Best Buy where my brother got an iPod shuffle (in aquamarine), and Chapters where I got Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, which I read most of the morning. Really good book so far.

    At Best Buy my mother suggested we look at laptops for me. She originally suggested that I look into a laptop with my Best Buy gift card and my significant amount of money (by my standards) given to me by my incredibly generous family members for Christmas and my birthday.

    So we were looking at those really miniature baby laptops that are only, like, 1 gigabyte (that’s sixteen times less than my iPod, and my iPod is not even the newest version as I got it last year for Christmas) and I thought they looked absolutely adorable but they just wouldn’t be enough space for me.

    I formed a small checklist for things I must be able to fit on my laptop:
    – I must be able to have internet.
    – I must be able to write my stories on it.
    – I must be able to play the Sims 3.

    Anything besides that is just a bonus.
    So I saw this one that was of the larger variety and it was called the Acer ASPIRE (not sure about the capitals but I think it looks cool the way I typed it).
    Supposedly it ‘has Windows 7’ which everybody was treating as a program while all this time I thought it was a type of computer on its own.

    I don’t know. I just want a decent laptop for a small price.

    So yeah, life is great, hope it is for you too. I am off to activate my telephone.

    And my birthday is in two days.

    DECEMBER 29 2009 – Alex will be fifteen years old.

    Hope your last few days of the decade is lovely.

    Alex Violet

    Poem and my whole week.

    December 19, 2009

    WARNING: This entry is more than 2550 words. My average longer entry is about 750-800 words. This is my longest entry ever before. I guess you could say that this is a special holiday edition entry and also enough text to make up for all this lack of writing over the past few months. Press more if you’ve got the time. Read the rest of this entry »

    How’s it going?

    November 5, 2009

    I desperately would like to make a long, interesting (to me at least) entry about anything, but I am far to busy. Tomorrow I have a Civics exam (view my ‘Dignity’ entry for how I feel about that class) and a math test later in the day. I had an EQAO literacy test yesterday morning and then I went on a student’s council feild trip yesterday afternoon. I can barely comprehend the mathematics I am trying so desperately hard to learn for tomorrow’s test. On top of that, we’re applying math to chemistry in science class (!) and in vocals class I am rocking out. I’m becoming more and more social each day (which was my new school-year resolution) and my classmates in vocals are helping to get my friend (who, until I ask her what she would like her name to be in this blog, shall remain nameless) to feel comfortable singing with everyone. Which is great, and she was singing today when we had a class in the auditorium today. I love our school’s auditorium. I don’t know when it was last updated, but it must have been sometime in the seventies, more or less. I hope they don’t update it for a long time. I want to go back there at my high school reunion and be glad that one of the things I love most about the school hadn’t changed. (My other favourite thing about the school is the secret door in the prop room that’s hidden behind old shelves and costumes.)

    Sorry. Rambling again.

    Anyway, I’m trying to write my novel now, so I’ve gotto go.

    I tried putting this playlist on the blog earlier, but it just won’t work, so I’m giving you a link to a list of some songs I like.

    Click here for tunes.