What if… (and stuff)

April 23, 2010

Alright, maybe this is random, but I was reading over my previous blog post today about my happy place and I thought of something. One of those “what if…” somethings.

What if everything – humanity, life, Earth, our universe, the galaxy, all the constellations, the stars, the possibility… the ‘dark matter’ and all beyond that… what if it’s contained in this giant ball? What if everything we know of is contained inside somebody else’s much larger planet?


Sorry for the lack of elaboration and detail.

In my science class last year we talked about atoms. (Because that’s what you do in science.) One kid said he believed that the universe was a giant atom. Once he said it I thought immediately, why not? The structure of an atom isn’t all that different from the structure of our solar system… there’s the nucleus/sun and the planets/protons/electrons revolving around it.

What if infinite is not so much a concept of space going on forever, but of all these different dimensions going on forever?

Atoms within atoms…

I saw something at the beggining of a Simpsons episode like that.

Yeah, like that. I’m sure some genius already came up with that theory but all I’m saying is it makes sense… doesn’t it? It can’t be proven wrong and it can’t be proven right… yet. So why not?

I’ve got to get up early tomorrow morning to go sell Girl Guide cookies at the Sears with pathfinders. I know that Brianna will be going to the morning shift but I’m not sure who else. After that, my Daddy is picking me up with Buddy and we’re going to spend the rest of the weekend together.

I’m so excited. Pretty much all week I’ve been jumping up and down out of nowhere telling my friends, “MY DADDY IS COMING THIS WEEKEND.”

“I know, you already told me.”

So yeah.

And I walked home from school today with Smiley (BFF) who I haven’t talked to all that much since the March break, really. She told me she’s been helping out with this thing for Haiti at lunch (she told me on Wednesday, I think) so I decided to go with her to help out when I have the time. (So of course that only means two days of the week: Thursdays and Fridays.) On this walk home I expected we would catch up on lost talking time but no, not really. I tried to make conversation but it = failed attempts at the start.

The thing is, I pretty much tell Smiley everything. Every memory I have, every opinion I have, every thought that passes through my mind. Smiley knows ALL. So often when I try to say something to make conversation, I always get,

“I know, you already told me.”

I absolutely loathe it when conversation runs dry. And so after plenty of awkward silence I said, “What’s with all this me talking and you replying with, like, two-word answers?”

“Because… I’m awesome.”

“Okay, three words doesn’t really make a difference.”

-Silence as we walk on further.-

“Hey have I told you about the vampire story I’m working on?”

“Not much.”

“Do you want to hear about it?”

“Couldn’t hurt.”

So in order to extend conversation, I explain EVERY detail that I remember, only cutting back to summarize insignificant parts. I tell her who said what when and point out how much manners a character has and why and how they grew up and all they remember of their life.

I’ve got until something like the fifth scene in (which’s maybe half what I have so far, more or less; I have 67 pages written so far) when we get close to her place (I’ve always lived farthest from any of my schools than all my friends) she asks if I’m thirsty or anything.

“Yes, I’ve been talking all this time, my throat’s getting sore.”

And so we get to her place and she offers me a water bottle from the fridge and I say thank you. She says my story seems really interesting so far. I say if she’d like to read it, I could put an updated copy on my memory stick (those USB things, whatever) and lend it to her after J. (yes, my friend from yoga club) has given it back. (J. wanted to read my story but I think she got bored after the first scene and is too kind to admit it. She tried giving back the memory stick after a few days and I said, “Well, aren’t you finished it?” “Well, no.” And then I said she could keep it until she finished it if she wanted. So without enthusiasm she put it back in her pocket. I asked her later -as in a week later- if she’d been reading it and what she thought of it. She slowly admitted she honestly hadn’t read any more of it since.)

Well, there’s going to be the odd person who doesn’t so much like my story. But what the hell. I do. SOMEBODY else has to. So who cares?

So yeah. That’s life.

OH YEAH. And I’m going on a feild trip on Monday with History. Yeah. Have to be at school by a quarter to seven. (!) Getting a ride with Smiley since she’s going on the trip too but with her class. I’ve got so many assignments due Monday but thank goodness no one told the teachers there’s going to be a trip that day so we’ll have to be a day late. (They usually make you hand it in early if you tell them.)

So yeah. THAT’S the insanely awesomazing life of ME.

Alex Violet

All I want is peace.

April 14, 2010

I’ve been feeling a little emotional over the past couple days. (View my posts from yesterday, part one and part two.)

So I was listening today to How to Save a Life by the Fray (the version with snippets of people’s voices reacting to the 9/11. I decided to watch some videos on YouTube with that song played to scenes and photos from the 9/11. (There are lots.)

Of course, I cried a bit.

Not as bad as yesterday with the lady at the assembly.

But it was still sad.

I looked at some pictures of people protesting against war and things like that over flickr and got a little upset.

It seems the gist of what these people in reaction are saying is that:

“This is the United States, as Americans, we need to be civil. War is never the answer.”

Damn right, war is never the answer. But being American shouldn’t be your excuse to be peaceful to others; you should be peaceful because the people you’re warring against are just like you.

They live, they breathe, they feel, they listen, they see, they cry, they’ve seen the same sun and the same moon and the same stars and sky as you.

They live on this earth, just like you.

They are human, just like you.

They feel pain, just like you.

You should say, rather than “These things just aren’t supposed to happen in America,” you should say, “These things just aren’t supposed to happen on Earth.”

We should be civil and peaceful as representatives of the whole beautiful and trecherous world, not just our race or religion or nation.

When the world trade centre was knocked down, it wasn’t just a knock to the United States, it was a knock to the world.

You shouldn’t do things just because as a person from whatever country (or with whatever race or religion) and say “That’s just what people like me do.”

No, you should do things because you feel in your heart and mind and soul (if you believe in souls) with everything you know and have experienced as a human being, that what you choose to do is the right thing.

Not just because someone told you that it’s right.

Especially if you’re just picking that choice or candidate (or whatever) because that’s what everyone else is choosing and you’re too lazy to think for yourself.

Now I’m not telling you to not listen to anyone else. I’m not telling you to close your mind.

I’m telling you to open your mind, open your eyes, and open your heart.

I’m not telling you to go against something just to assert your independence, either. I’m just telling you that you should only do something if you in your heart/mind feel/know that what you’re doing is right.

And if you do truly feel/know that it’s right, then you should do something, take action, follow a dream or something.

Make a blog. 😛

I know I’m being awfully contradictory/hypocritical by saying “you should” continuously, but I’m sorry. (I don’t know how else to word what I’m trying to say properly.)

I’m just trying to open some minds.

And maybe I should feel empowered by writing all this, but to be honest with you, I feel miserable. But that may just be since I feel ostrasized.

Somedays it feels like the world is made by Americans, for Americans.

Well, not everyone is American. (And I’m not saying all Americans are selfish and ostrasizing either.)

Minority matters, minorities are worth mentioning. And for crying out loud, other majorities, too.

I’m Canadian. As much as I love being Canadian, (and I truly do) I am also a human being, a citizen of this earth. So I feel in my heart and soul and mind that I should treat everyone I meet as such.

But every time I’m reading a magazine (sold and bought in Canada) and it offers an exciting contest, only to discover it’s only open to American citizens, you’ve got to understand why I can’t help feeling disappointed, left out. If you’re going to exclude me, at least don’t rub it in my face.

I keep coming back to, “We’re all citizens of the Earth.”

But really, the more I consider these words and the more I think about it, the more I realize it’s true.

It shouldn’t matter who you are, all that should matter is that you’ve lived on this earth, and that, at least, we have in common.

Even if you just so happen to be an alien (lol) we’ve all had the experience of being alive, right? And we all have some grasp of how life works, maybe just our version of life, but still.

Knowing only about your life doesn’t give you the right to be selfish to others, does it?

Once you make an effort to understand someone, to walk a while in their shoes, you’ll realize their true intentions aren’t as harsh as they seem.

If everyone made an effort to understand each other, where we’re all coming from, than world peace would be a lot easier to achieve.

Less people would blow things out of proportion if they know the real size of the situation.

At least, that’s the way I see it.

Have a nice day,

Alex Violet

I like her version of the song. I was going to post the original, but they don’t like it being “embeded” :S
But fine with me. I always find good covers when I look.


March 14, 2010

You know those YouTube videos entitled, “What’s in my bag/purse”? Well I sorta always wanted to make one of those videos, but I’d have a couple of obstacles to face if I was going to make a YouTube video today.

So I’m going to make a list. If you don’t want to read it, then don’t. I know it’s not my most thought-provoking entry, but It’s 1:05 PM as I type this. I only woke up about 2 and a half hours ago. Nothing really pivotal has happened yet today.

What’s in my purse

My purse is: Purple cuordoroy Levi’s thing I got as a gift the second time I went out west. (So like, Christmas/My birthday 2007.)
Has 2 side pockets w/o zippers;
2 frontmost pockets each the size of a stickynotepad w/velcro fascenings;
1 front zipper pocket behind the frontmost pockets large enough to fit a smallish novel or journal;
And the main section where everything larger and/or important is supposed to be kept is large enough for several books and/or journals and has a little secret compartment off the side.
All pockets are lined with a pretty sweet floral-y sorta pattern.
The straps are like this beige-canvas thing with cuordoroy on the other side.

What’s in it:
[Main part:]
A small handfull of peanut-butter M&Ms in a plastic bulkbarn bag.
Book: Story Time by Edward Bloor. (It’s about some kids at an evil boarding school.)
My texty-messaging phone. (Green, Virgin Mobile, Pay-as-you-go, Slides-in-slides-out)
My Pathfinder program book. (314 pages, spiral-bound, cover is about the size of an ordinary photograph, (c) 2006)
Berry-scented baby-sized hand sanitizer
iPod (purple, 16 GB, nanochromatic, 466 songs- many of which I don’t know, 333 photos- majority of which I took, got a couple Christmases ago)
An outdated Coffee News (Feb 15, 2010)
A huge-o-normus hair clip
A broken pink pencil crayon
A yellow eraseable pencil crayon
A little card that must’ve come with one of my Christmas presents
Another little thing of M&Ms.
A blue-with-white-peacock-feather-pattern makeup bag.
A silver comb that should be in the makeup bag.

[Makeup bag:]
Hair clamp thing
Smaller blue makeup bag
I used to have sunglasses in here but they seem to have disappeared…

[Smaller blue makeup bag:]
Grape lip balm (Wal-Mart)
Concealer (Avon, I don’t really use it though)
Mascara (Avon)
‘ColorTrend: Chocolate Drop Lip Gloss’ (Avon, it’s the squirty kind)
Peaches & Cream lip balm (Wal-Mart, it came with the grape)

[Left side pocket:]
Pink and black USB memory stick I got Christmas 2007

[Right side pocket:]
Stickynotes (pink & yellow)

[Front pocket:]
A sheet with campfire song lyrics on it
A napkin from Papa John’s pizza
Chocolate wrapper
A blue program-guide sheet from Olympic Night @ Buddy’s school
A list of compliments towards myself for when I’m feeling down
Nail files that look like a match book (Avon)
3 Nintendo DS games (Theme Park, Sims 2, Nintendogs: My dogs are Goldie, Georgie, Confetti, plus I have 2 dogs in the dog hotel thing)
A purple pen

-hold on, I need to eat my kraft dinner-

-better :)-

[Left frontmost pocket:]
Green scrunchy w/ beads my Aunt lent me
Buddy’s iPod shuffle
Some snowflake earrings

[Right frontmost pocket:]

[Secret pocket:]
PHSYC. It actually has my plans of world domination. Nah! I gotcha again.

Hey, do you want to know what books I keep on the shelf beside my bed?

Little black dress journal from Gramma (Mother’s side)
Kimono journal from Gramma (Mother’s side)
The Gypsy Crown by Kate Forsyth
The Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney by Suzanne Harper
The Explosionist by Jenny Davidson
The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix
My Ecojot sketchbook which I’ve been using as an art journal
My journal which I use for sonnets from Oma (step-grandmother)
Tales of a Reluctant Phsycic by Carol Matas*
Distant Waves by Suzanne Weyn

Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan
My Ecojot journal for lists (to-do and otherwise)
My box for electronic stuff (it’s like a shoebox that has my Nintendo DS and various cables to charge my iPod & laptop & such)
A bottle of shea butter ‘cuz my hands get dry
A wad of mostly blank papers and Q cards
A jar of momentos (a leaf from that early October day, a ticket to some medieval show yrs. ago, collectable coins, etc.)
A broken booklight

I saw 2012 last night. It was a good movie. Far better than ‘Knowing’. Loved the suspense and how if they had to kill off a character, there was minimal gore. I won’t spoil it anymore.

Alex Violet