
December 27, 2009

I’m sure I’ll probably edit this post later on; but these are my goals for the new decade:


  • Finish my novel already; and get it published.
  • 2

  • Audition for Canadian Idol
  • 3

  • Change people’s lives (for the better!)
  • 4

  • Pursue a career I love
  • 5

  • Visit another country for at least a week
  • 6

  • Be Happy ๐Ÿ™‚
  • 7

  • Share that happiness
  • 8

  • Make history
  • 9

  • Learn to bake bread
  • 10

  • Do something prideful each year that I can remember the year by (like last year it was Dinner Theatre, this year the Student Council & The Youth Council)
  • 11

  • Be in a movie (even if I’m just an extra) (a sitcom would count too) (even just behind-the-scenes in a play)
  • But my main goal for 2010 is to write my novel and do my very best in school.

    On a different note, I got a texty messaging phone (is not activated) for Christmas as well as several other lovely items such as a sweatshirt with built-in headphones by Avril Lavigne’s Abbey Dawn clothing label and a box set of Jane Austen novels. (Tried reading Emma but didn’t get past the first couple of pages. Now I’ve read the first chapter of Northanger Abbey)

    My family and I went out shopping yesterday on Boxing Day. We visited Best Buy where my brother got an iPod shuffle (in aquamarine), and Chapters where I got Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac, which I read most of the morning. Really good book so far.

    At Best Buy my mother suggested we look at laptops for me. She originally suggested that I look into a laptop with my Best Buy gift card and my significant amount of money (by my standards) given to me by my incredibly generous family members for Christmas and my birthday.

    So we were looking at those really miniature baby laptops that are only, like, 1 gigabyte (that’s sixteen times less than my iPod, and my iPod is not even the newest version as I got it last year for Christmas) and I thought they looked absolutely adorable but they just wouldn’t be enough space for me.

    I formed a small checklist for things I must be able to fit on my laptop:
    – I must be able to have internet.
    – I must be able to write my stories on it.
    – I must be able to play the Sims 3.

    Anything besides that is just a bonus.
    So I saw this one that was of the larger variety and it was called the Acer ASPIRE (not sure about the capitals but I think it looks cool the way I typed it).
    Supposedly it ‘has Windows 7’ which everybody was treating as a program while all this time I thought it was a type of computer on its own.

    I don’t know. I just want a decent laptop for a small price.

    So yeah, life is great, hope it is for you too. I am off to activate my telephone.

    And my birthday is in two days.

    DECEMBER 29 2009 – Alex will be fifteen years old.

    Hope your last few days of the decade is lovely.

    Alex Violet

    Today I was volunteering at a scavenger-hunt library program and led a group of four kids (ages 9-12) around the library trying to find puzzle peices with riddles on the back that would hint where the next peice is. It was not so bad. Once we were finished, we got to make dragons and stuff out of play-doh and I made a big purple dragon with a red tail and a little green baby dragon. It’s pretty cute, I’ve got to say.

    When the kids had all left all the rest of the volunteers and I just stuck around, talking and playing with play-doh.

    I told them about my grade 9 clay art project where we were supposed to make mugs.

    The teacher had shown us the 3 different ways to make them, there was the coil method (you roll it out like a liccorice and then make it a spiral coming up to form a mug), the slab method (roll it out w/ a rolling pin, then mold it around from there) and the pinch-pot method (where you just take a wad of clay and pinch it into a mug).

    While everyone else decided on the easier and faster slab method, I decided I’d play expert and went for the difficult and time-consuming pinch-pot method. Which, I must say, made me in way over my head.

    I was doing horribly one of the days we did it when the clay was stiff since it had dried a bit overnight. I added water to it, which made it muddier. I added a handle. It fell off.
    Being a very muddy mug, it refused to stay put and slowly slid down into one of those soup bowl things.
    And then it became a dog-bowl type thing.
    I added two handles. One fell off. The other almost did.
    So, once I got around to the painting, I focused more on the inside of the bowl and getting the entire outside of the bowl, I only belatedly realized that the outside only got one coat of it, so it totally ended up horribly.

    So I sort of abandoned it in the art room…

    It brought my art mark down to an 80%, which I wasn’t so upset with since an eighty is still good, but my mom was sort of peeved since art for me is like … popcorn and butter, peanut butter and jelly, math teachers and homework, scouts and camping, mold and wet paper-machet, … and words and reading.

    But, I mean, who cares? I still won the art award for my whole grade!

    Today was a good day. So far.

    Question of the day: What is the most fond memory you have of failure?

    I have a feeling that this summer will consist mostly of reading.

    I read another book for the gist of today so far, it’s the first one in the Mediator series by Meg Cabot. One of the girls who works at the children’s desk in the library reccomended it to me and as soon as I finished Palace of Mirrors I started on this one. And I finished it about a half hour ago. And it ROCKED.

    So you can tell I really need to:
    a) Get started on those reviews I promised!
    b) Read the next Mediator book
    c) Find my list of books I’ve read so I can update it. And once I do that, I should copy it out in like, 19 places so I won’t have to worry about loosing it again. I think maybe I should put it on this blog somewhere…

    Anyway, I do recommend this book. It’s about a 16-year-old girl who can talk to ghosts and found out she’s moving to a place with some really old buildings (old buildings = more ghosts). And at her school she’s seemingly replaced a popular girl who’s commited suicide over the holiday. And one thing’s for sure, Heather will not make room for anyone.
    Compared to Twilight, this book has less romance and more action, and clearly more books in its series. (Notice: I’m not saying it’s better or worse!)

    It’s times like these that I figure I should start a book club.

    I have not been able to put down this book, “Palace of Mirrors” by Margaret Peterson Haddix. My mom got it for me at the library about a week ago, but I was too busy with exams to get really started on it. But today, I’ve been reading it most of the day, and I’m about 3/4 of the way through. I may not be a speed reader, but that’s alright with me. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve been looking for some good summer books to satisfy my boredom. Does anyone have any suggestions? (I’m 14, & have already read Twilight. Before anyone knew what it was, I might add!!!)

    Of course I don’t really expect you all to respond! lol. I haven’t got any readers yet!

    I have got to really stop trying to write something out of nothing. It’s not very entertaining. C’mon! I want something great to happen!

    Happy Father’s Day, guys. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Alex Violet.