





This is from that thing on FaceBook. “Big 5” or whatever. (It’s my results from a personality questionnaire that I took over facebook.)

If you want a more in-depth explaination or whatever, read below. But it’s all copied and pasted from FaceBook, just warning.

This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer novelty versus convention. Approximately 95% of respondents have a lower openness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is far more intellectually curious and sensitive to beauty than most. You might say that your beliefs are individualistic and frequently drift towards the unconventional, and that you enjoy your imagination and the exciting places it takes you! However, your friends’ descriptions suggest that they think that you are far more conventional than you realise, and that they think that you would much prefer things to stay the same.

Reflective question: What place do you think that tradition has in society (if any)?

This trait refers to the extent to which you prefer an organised, or a flexible, approach in life. Approximately 40% of respondents have a lower conscientiousness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is spontaneous and fun, and that you like to do unexpected things that make life that bit more interesting. You might say that you aren’t completely unreliable, but you’ve been known to slip up on occasion. Your friends’ descriptions suggest that they generally agree with this view.

Reflective question: How do you go about tackling a new task?

This trait refers to the extent to which you enjoy company, and seek excitement and stimulation. Approximately 46% of respondents have a lower extraversion raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who enjoys and actively seeks out social occasions, but would say that they’re not everything. You might say that sometimes it is nice to step back for a while and have a quiet night in. Your friends’ descriptions suggest that they generally agree with this view.

Reflective question: What role do you tend to play in a team? (at work or in social activities)

This trait refers to the way you express your opinions and manage relationships. Approximately 40% of respondents have a lower agreeableness raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who people can find difficult to get along with when you first meet, as you can be suspicious of their motives. Your responses suggest that over time though people warm to you, and you to them, although that doesn’t stop you telling them “how it is”. Your friends’ descriptions suggest that they generally agree with this view.

Reflective question: When others are experiencing problems, what do you do?

Neuroticism (Emotional stability)
This trait refers to the way you cope with, and respond to, life’s demands. Approximately 21% of respondents have a lower neuroticism raw percentage than yours. From the way you answered the questions, you seem to describe yourself as someone who is calm and emotionally stable. Based on your responses, you come across as someone who is rarely bothered by things, and when they do get you down the feeling does not persist for very long. However, your friends’ descriptions suggest that they feel that you are less emotionally stable than you think. You project yourself as someone who gets stressed out by things more easily than you realise.

Reflective question: When do your emotions (or lack of emotions) get in the way of good decision making?

GREAT WEEKEND I HAD. Field trip tomorrow. Have to get up at 5 AM. Ride’s coming for me at 6 AM. Have to be at bus by 6:45 AM. Will probably be back home by 5 PM. Now I’ve got to get to sleep. ‘Night.

Alex Violet

A Glimpse

November 15, 2009

This is a video of me (sitting in the lawn chair at the start) and my little brother, Mathew (behind the shed yelling bear noises at the start).
I posted this video on YouTube about July 2008 (the summer before ninth grade, I believe. I was thirteen, Mathew was … nine, I think?).
It was about a year and a half ago, I believe. It feels like it was longer, though.
There’s been a lot that’s happened since then.

I started high school.
I won an art award.
I went through 9 exams.
I went camping at a beautiful provincial park with the student’s council.
I gained like, 10 of some of my best friends in the world at pathfinders.
I got a facebook account.
I got a blog.
I’ve attempted to finish writing several novels.
I got an iPod.
I went ‘out west’ for the third time in my life.
I visited Vancouver for the first time in my life.
I dipped my feet in the Pacific ocean.
I went to my first high school dance.
I went to Niagara Falls on a (geography class) field trip with some really great people and got in trouble with the teachers because we brought too much sugary pop and chips for our own good and all had sugar rushes at midnight.
I had the time of my life in Dinner Theatre.
I discovered a secret passageway in my school’s proproom hidden behind shelves.
I invented the word ‘AWESOMAZING’.
I’ve made a zillion more people laugh.
I joined my city’s youth council.
I met the mayor.
I discovered Twilight a few weeks after the above video was filmed.
I’ve come to terms with myself. (I am not so ashamed of who I am anymore. Because I am awesomazing.)
I spent a night in a haunted hotel.
I contacted a ghost. (One of my BFF’s birthday party. Her place was haunted so we pretended to be like TAPS.)
I sang ‘Tomorrow’ (from Annie) at the top of my lungs in the middle of a forest while cleaning an outhouse.
I sang ‘Tomorrow’ (from Annie) at the top of my lungs in the middle of a forest with some of my very best friends.
I have learned that everything has flaws but that doesn’t mean it isn’t beautiful and perfect by all means.
My kitten turned three years old.
I discovered that I truly would prefer world peace over all the money in the world anyday.
I have done way more than I ever thought I would and today it has occured to me that the past two years of my life have been worth every second, and I wouldn’t change anything at all.
I really truly wouldn’t.

Singing/Vocals Class.

October 16, 2009

Our early report cards have recently been sent in the mail and I recieved mine yesterday.

  • The math teacher gave me all E’s (which is odd because I’m not so sure I’m doing that Excellently)
  • The science teacher gave me all G’s (I think I’m doing FAR better in science than math, but I honestly wouldn’t know because we have not had any assignments in which we’ve recieved marks for. Science is just more interesting to me.)
  • The civics teacher left it blank (? I don’t know but she said without all those homework assignments I never handed in, I am currently standing at an 88% in the class, which is also tied for the highest mark in the class. The class average is 59%)
  • And in vocals I had all S’s (for ‘satisfactory’. I find this extraordinarily insulting, considering how brave I’ve been!)
  • Anywho, I have been given singing parts for these three songs:

    [Come Together – The Beatles]

    I’m supposed to sing backup for the last three (out of four) verses for this song.

    Today the other backup singers were away because they had some sort of sports tournament. So it was only me and the lead singer, and I think she was a little surprised that I remembered what parts I was supposed to sing.
    You see, last time I kept loosing my spot and singing the wrong parts because I’d forgotten about the last-three-verses thing and, plus, we were sharing one sheet of lyrics among 4 of us. (One lead singer, 3 backups) They’d turned the music stand so I could not see.

    Anyway, the teacher had one girl print out copies for all of us, so I had my own to look at. It gave me a little more isolation and confidence for some reason, knowing I could not at all do worse than I had the last time. So that confidence must’ve shown and I feel proud and honest in saying that I am getting better. Better with confidence, I mean. I know I’m a good singer. 😛

    [Where it’s at – Beck]

    I only get to sing “Where it’s at/ I’ve got 2 turntables and a microphone” which is great with me, since it’s all I know. Plus, I’m not at all fond of rap.

    [Notion – Kings of Leon]

    I only sing “Don’t rock it”. Or is it ‘Don’t lock it’? (‘Don’t knock it’?) I don’t know, nobody gave me any lyrics. I’ll figure it out eventually. 😛

    These are songs on the list I wanted to sing:

    [Bohemian Rhapsody – Queen]

    Because I love Queen, (in 8th grade, my class went to the Queen Musical on a school trip, and it was AWESOMAZING.) and the song sounds really cool and it’s fun to sing!

    [All these things – The Killers]

    Because I do have soul, and I am not a soldier. 😛
    This song makes me feel empowered! 😀

    [I will survive – Cake]

    I tried for a solo on this one, but started spacing out before the chorus and never finished the song.
    Whatever. I was still brave, and I bet that if I could try for it one more time, I’d get it! But the girl with the solo now deserves it. So maybe I’ll try next year if I take vocals again and this song’s on the list.

    These are some other songs on the list I wouldn’t have minded singing:

    [Higher Ground – Stevie Wonder/The Red Hot Chilli Peppers]

    [Times like these – the Foo Fighters]

    [Wake up – Arcade Fire]

    This song was in the “Where the Wild Things are” trailer!

    [Spiderwebs – No Doubt]

    These are a couple of songs that weren’t on the list that I wanted to sing:

    [Don’t stop believin’ – Journey]

    [Old School – Hedley]

    [No sleep tonight – The Faders]

    [Somebody to Love – Queen]

    [Runaway – Avril Lavigne]

    Anyway, sorry if I’m boring you, but thanks for reading this far. 🙂

    Nothing overly-philosophical today, I guess. I have some more philosophical stuff about vocals class, but it would involve talking about one of my friends and it’s rather personal and I do not have her permission to write about her yet, and I still have to verify her code name with her.

    (Listening to Lillix)

    Your blogger/singer,

    Alex Violet!

    How do they do it?

    October 10, 2009

    This song is by a girl named Valerie: toiltpprprdctns on YouTube. It’s incredibly catchy and a good happy-dance song. 🙂

    WARNING: This is going to be one of those really long and thought-provoking entries that I go off rambling quite a bit in. My English teacher last year said I should learn to centre my thoughts a bit better. So click ‘more’ if you’re really up for reading it all. Read the rest of this entry »